LHOP for Kids & Families: The Gospel of the Kingdom

Watch the videos below to learn more about the Gospel of the Kingdom.
These videos are supplementary resources to go along with the LHOP Kids booklet, available here.

The Good News (euangelion) that Jesus brought is the Gospel of the Kingdom. It includes our personal salvation but is so much bigger than that! Jesus incarnated the kingdom and He invites us in to carry the Presence of God into our communities. As his rule breaks in, people’s hearts are changed and even our community begins to change.

A music video about seeking God’s kingdom throughout every sphere, brought to you by Performed by LICC and Donna Akodu, Lou Fellingham, Andy Flannagan, and Noel Robinson TV.


In this video, The Bible Project traces the origins of the word “gospel” and how it ties the story of the Old Testament together with the story of Jesus and his announcement of God’s kingdom. Jesus brought God’s rule and reign to the world in a very upside-down way, which is the best news you could ask for.

As we partner together to see His kingdom come in our communities, listening and obeying His whispers is a life style that we seek. This video unpacks the close biblical relationship between listening and obeying.