Watch these videos to learn about the foundational principles of LHOP.
Who's praying for your neighbourhood?
Prayer is at the foundation of all we do, however, it is not just another prayer meeting. Local Houses of Prayer offers a framework to help align our lives for greater blessing and impact of our world for Jesus Christ — right where we are. Participants adopt a small local area for Jesus, worship and pray for the manifest breaking in of the Kingdom of God, proclaim blessings and play their part in its release through their life and witness with the aid of the Caleb Questions.
The Good News (euangelion) that Jesus brought is the Gospel of the Kingdom. It includes our personal salvation but is so much bigger than that! Jesus incarnated the kingdom and He invites us in to carry the Presence of God into our communities. As his rule breaks in, people’s hearts are changed and even our community begins to change.
Prayer is at the foundation of all we do, however, it is not ‘just another prayer meeting’.
The core work of a Local House of Prayer is to CARRY the presence of God, to STAND in His presence as we minister to Him and to proclaim BLESSINGS over our schools, workplaces, communities from within the Presence of God. This video presents a very accessible summary of the important biblical thinking which is at the foundation of the Local Houses of Prayer.
When His disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray, He drew on an established tradition of Jewish teachers and gave them a robust framework which would form their thinking on how to pray for the arrival of God's rule on the earth. His prayer is powerful and effective, even in our day.