Quick tips for making a short video testimony:
To receive short videos from those engaged with Local Houses of Prayer from around the world about the story (even the smallest green shoots) of transformation in your community. These videos will be gathered and then shown through social media, Mail Chimp, Zoom gatherings, WhatsApp groups and the LHOP website The purpose is to encourage one another and of course, building faith! As Charles Spurgeon said, as we tell the stories of what God has done in the past it’s a proclamation of what He wants to do again.
(2 minutes or less) Introduce yourself - Name/Location (5 seconds)
God has called me/us to start a LHOP in my street/ sphere of influence (school, business... (10-20 seconds))
Answer 1 or both of the following: (1 - 1.5 minutes)
a) What was the situation in your community?
b) What has God done in response to your prayers and blessings?
4. Closing: Ask for prayer and/or bless the audience (15 seconds)
Film in horizontal mode, not vertical.
Have someone shoot it for you if possible.
Make sure your face is well lit.
If possible, choose a location/background that shows a bit of your context (but make sure it’s quiet and the lighting is good!)
Record the video using your phone’s native video function (not in the WhatsApp application). This will allow you to trim/edit the video if necessary before you send it.
Are your surroundings quiet? Is it windy? Dogs, children, traffic noise?
Look directly into the camera
Did you follow the script prompts?
Were your responses clear and easy to follow?
Video/Audio: How does it look? Was the sound good?
Edit any unneeded footage (usually you just need to take a few seconds off the clip before you start talking or after you have finished)
Complete the form below once you are happy with the recording.