LHOP Nigeria Testimony: Thankful for the Green Shoots

By Hanatu Paul Meshak


Over recent years we have had the privilege of sharing the simple, yet powerful, principles of Local Houses of Prayer in nations across the world.  We are so thankful for what He is doing as He raises up an army of ordinary people to contend for greater Kingdom breakthrough in their streets, communities and workplaces.  We are so thankful for the early green shoots of kingdom breakthrough, yet we are so hungry for more!  This beautiful testimony from Hanatu Paul Meshak tells the story of the early green shoots in her city of Jos, Nigeria.

As Charles Spurgeon said, as we tell the stories of what God has done in the past it’s a proclamation of what he wants to do again. We would love to hear YOUR LHOP stories, to find out how to upload your stories click here.  Its very simple and only need to take a couple of minutes. As Hanatu has blessed you with her story, your story will undoubtedly be an encouragement to others.